Our Memorial Wall - Creating a Legacy
In keeping with the focus of the Sensorial Garden, the Memorial Wall was constructed using vertically placed railway sleepers with beautifully textured wood – and many of the sleepers still have sections of the original steel from the railway track attached to them.
The Memorial Wall carries our favourite quote by Dr. Maria Montessori: “The secret of good teaching is to regard the child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination. Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core.”
We believe that the wisdom expounded in this quotation is especially appropriate to the learning environment to be found and experienced in the Sensorial Garden by our little ones; and the quotation underpins the teaching approach followed by Montessori Life.
We’re confident the Sensorial Garden adds great value to the learning experience of children attending Montessori Life and will provide them with fond memories of their time at the School.
The Memorial Wall in particular adds to the significance of this unique and special place filled with the names of the pupils both past and present. We’re hopeful that the names of many more pupils will grace the Wall into the future.

Friends of the Garden
“Friends of the Garden” identifies and profiles all future initiatives and activities involving the Sensorial Garden and its up keep. After all as a living and evolving space it will need love and caring for and is sure to give back ten-fold to those who visit it – whether as pupils, families or friends.
Filling the Wall with name plaques supports “Friends of the Garden” and consequently the ongoing maintenance and development of the Sensorial Garden as a learning environment and its historical significance within the life of the School.
If you’re a parent or grandparent and interested in learning more about how to include your little ones’ name plaque on the Memorial Wall, please get in touch with us.