Kinship Programme Hike

Thank you to the Kinship Programme for taking our children on a BIG adventure! An overnight hike , camping in a cave. So proud of all our intrepid little trekkers

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Rainbow-Themed Picnic

Our Rainbow-themed picnic was such fun as our children celebrated Heritage Day and, of course, the beginning of the September Holidays. Just look at the snack tables – a blaze of yummy coloured treats!

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Easter Bonnet Parade

Yesterday’s Easter Bonnet Parade was a showcase of creative energy and lots of fun.The children delighted in looking for hidden Easter eggs, and our generous families donated enough Easter eggs to bless the children of Ekuthuleni, Nonhlanhla’s Crèche as well as the Mallacca Rd Seed Fund ….thank you

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Outing to the Botanical Gardens

Such an excellent way to make our Wonderful World of Plants learning theme real… hands-on exploration of the Botanical Gardens. Mindful, beautiful day. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Valentine’s Day

Giving love, flowers and choccies to the elderly on Valentine’s Day, thank you to our generous families for sharing the love today.

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Grade R Graduation

Graduation is a special moment… and on Wednesday our teaching team was justifiably proud to see our Seahorses of 2021 reaching their first significant academic milestone. Such a heart-warming occasion – “ Well done to all of you!” And of course, a big thank you to the parents of these wonderful little people for entrusting…

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Our concert – South African Musical Moments

Continuing with our final term’s learning theme of “South Africa – Our Country,” we decided that “ local is lekker” and our year end concert saw the children of Montessori Life singing & dancing through a range of favourite South African Musical Moments… with snippets of typically local jargon — “Yislaaik it was a kiff…

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Celebrating Diwali

In acknowledgment of Diwali, the festival of lights, many of our little ones dressed up appropriately on the day & learned more about the diversity of their world.

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